Monday, October 7, 2019

Bridgeton Celebration of the National Make A Difference Day

Saturday, October 26, 2019, 4-5:30pm, at the steps of City Hall -- 181 East Commerce St.

We will celebrate RIGHTEOUS RELATIONSHIPS -- Hate Has NO Home Here!

Beginning at 4pm we will sing, worship and pray for righteousness to rule throughout our community. Bubby Fann will lead us as Congregations of the Bridgeton Christian Ministers Association will sing familiar songs -- that we can all sing along to. Pastors will be praying between the singing. Mayor Kelly will share his vision for peace and unity in our community!

Friday, March 22, 2019

Praying for Bridgeton - Lent 2019

I hope that you are experiencing great blessings as you pray through Seek God for the City. I firmly believe that we pray best when we pray together -- unified for the purposes of Christ. I know that I get excited by our commitment to this, and I wholly believe that God does too! He loves our unity and he loves when we pray for his kingdom experiences.

Please know that as you are praying through this 40-day commitment, I am praying for you. I have been compelled by the Spirit to pray for you in four ways.

First, I am praying that your prayer life will become more and more passionate. I'm asking that you will grow in desire and enthusiasm to pray in this way.

Second, I'm praying that this will be a purifying experience for you. As you spend time in the presence of our holy God, seeking him and praying his promises for us, I'm praying that his holiness will inspire you to throw off everything that hinders you to experience him and all his fullness.

Thirdly, I'm praying that your prayers will be purposeful. I'm asking that you will grow to understand more and more how to pray "fulfill it prayers," not only "fix it prayers." I'm asking that you'll grow in your understanding of how to pray for the promises of God that we read of in the scriptures and the blessings that are ours in Christ.

Fourthly, I'm asking that your prayers will be powerful. I believe firmly, as Paul mentions in Philippians 4, that our God is desiring to supply all our needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. May God's kingdom come and his will be done in our lives and throughout the Bridgeton area, just as it is in heaven.


For Jesus & His Church,
Jamie Bagley

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

SEEK GOD for the CITY - Lent Prayer & Devotion

The congregations of the Bridgeton Christian Minister's Association are bonding together in PRAYER and DEVOTION once again during LENT to pray for the Great City of Bridgeton.
In addition some congregations are forming fasting chains.

*You can ALSO get specific PRAYER TARGETS for Bridgeton on the site, listed on the top of the right column. They will be communicated from Mayor Kelly and updated periodically.

If you don't have a SEEK GOD for the CITY booklet you can obtain one by either contacting the Union Baptist Church Office, or through Ap's for the online version are also available through the website.

One of the main thrusts of the booklet this year is that we not pray "fix it" prayers, but that we pray "fulfill - it" prayers, asking God to release power and bless us with his promises.

Interceding for his kingdom to come and his will to be done,
Pastor Jamie Bagley

A Week Without Crime

Recently Mayor Kelly asked several churches to pray around the clock for Bridgeton. The goal was to cover the city in prayer. His hope was t...