Monday, February 24, 2020

The Bridgeton Christian Minsters Association is once again calling area Christians together in prayer for the Great City of Bridgeton. During Lent, February 26 through April 4, we will be reading through the booklet, Seek God for the City, with a special emphasis on praying for Bridgeton.

If you would like a booklet, or if you would like to download the app, you can get one at

-this web blog will list special prayer needs from Mayor Kelly, updated weekly at the right column.
-there will be weekly Prayer Gatherings, each Saturday (2/29, 3/7,14,21,28&4/4) sponsored by the BCMA at the Salvation Army, 6:30-8pm. EACH SESSION will begin with a time of prayer for the Alavez family, the family of Dulce Alavez who has been missing since September.

*If you have any questions email

A Week Without Crime

Recently Mayor Kelly asked several churches to pray around the clock for Bridgeton. The goal was to cover the city in prayer. His hope was t...